SAF® Conversions
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SAF® Conversions
Traditional flotation systems are easily converted to SAF® with the addition of a SAF® Generator and ClearMixer.
- Improve separation for cleaner effluent
- Increase hydraulic flow capacity
- Increase solids loading capacity
- Produce dryer skimmed float
- Reduce operation costs
- Reduce maintenance costs
- Reduce energy costs
- Installation and startup is a matter of hours, not days.
Heron Innovators, Inc., established 1998
The innovation behind Suspended Air® Flotation (SAF®) was invented by the late Dr. Felix Sebba in 1975. Since then, the engineering and science team at Heron Innovators has advanced this technology establishing flotation without dissolved air® as the next level in liquid/solid separation for water and wastewater treatment and solids thickening.
Since Heron Innovators is located in California's agricultural Central Valley, Suspended Air® Flotation (SAF®)'s first installations were in the food processing industry. Installations have expanded to other industries across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. The SAF® process is applied anywhere physical/chemical separation via flotation is a viable solution to water quality. SAF® advances previous traditional process systems (i.e. dissolved air flotation, DAF, induced air flotation, IAF, Induced Gas Flotation, IGF, enhanced clarification, cavitation air flotation, CAF, and other micro-bubble generators) through flotation without dissolved air®.